Joe’s Run, Walk, & Roll is a competitive 5k run and a fun walk/roll that is designed to be accessible for anyone who would like to participate. This event is held at Hoyt Park in Wauwatosa. Participants can expect a fully-accessible outdoor route, family activities including arts and crafts, outdoor games, raffles, and a light lunch. Joe’s Run, Walk, & Roll started out in 1975 with a sit up contest held in a basement led by its sole participant, Joe Lubarsky, a champion for people with disabilities who himself lives with Cerebral Palsy. The event earned its name in 1988 when Joe first took it beyond the basement to run 10 miles to work, and in 1996 it grew into the family-focused community 5k that it has become today.
To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, email Mary Schinkowitch ( or call 414-329-4505.