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Show Us Your 50

Thank you to everyone who showed us their 50 in 2021! We were thrilled to continue this tradition in honor of Broadscope serving the community for 50+ years. Please watch the video below for event highlights!

Show Us Your 50! Celebrate the 50+ years Broadscope Disability Services has been advancing opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Corporate partners are encouraged to create an internal event showcasing the number 50 with proceeds to benefit Broadscope’s vision of a world where people with disabilities and their families have the same opportunities as everyone else. All proceeds from Show Us Your 50 events will benefit the mission of Broadscope Disability Services. We hope you join the fun and Show Us Your 50!

Ready to get started? Contact Mary, Executive Director, at 414-329-4505 or


How can our business get involved? There are three options available

Option 1: Independent Activities for Employees or Groups

How does it work? Employees pledge a designated amount of your choosing and pick their own activities. Individual or group activities could include a 50-minute walk, 50 free throws, 50 minutes of mindfulness, or even 50 games of rock, paper, scissors. The possibilities are endless!

Bonus: Offer a company match for the amount raised! Not only will this increase the support to our mission, but helps to provide a culture of appreciation and comradery for your business. Great for larger, multi-division organizations and small mom-and-pop shops alike.

Option 2: Company Wide Activity

How does it work? Create your own company fundraiser to align with your business model and your teamwork goals! Ideas include creating a 50% donation from a product or a day’s sales, host a 50-minute yoga class, donate the value of the first 50 items sold, 50 random acts of kindness, or leave 50 minutes early from work with a pledge.

Bonus: Offer a company match for the amount raised! With this option, you create internal teambuilding by all participating in the same way. This is great for smaller organizations, restaurants, independent retail stores, and more.

Option 3: Company Donation with Performance Goals

How does it work? If your company is a performance-based organization, provide an additional incentive to employees! Pledge to donate a specific amount based on your internal goals. Perhaps a donation for each sales person who talks to 50 people that day, $0.50 donation for each item sold? You could even do a per person donation of $50 for each team member who hits their daily goals—no matter which metrics your company uses.

Bonus: With this option, you serve your own goals as well as providing much needed support to our mission. Great for competitive organizations with metrics-driven goals.



Why do we choose our own activity for Show Us Your 50?

We are proud to host an inclusive event where participants can choose the right activity for them.

We need help choosing a Show Us Your 50 goal. Can you provide ideas?

Absolutely. Contact us for ideas or support. we are here to help!

How will this fundraiser benefit our organization?

Show Us Your 50 is a customizable approach to corporate giving which is beneficial both to the mission of Broadscope Disability Services and to your organization. This is a perfect opportunity to incorporate an employee engagement activity, wellness campaign, or day of giving into your company culture with the added benefit of providing opportunities for those with disabilities and their families. Customize this to meet your internal sales or networking goals.

Where should we do the Show Us Your 50 event(s)?

The beauty of this event is that it can be done anywhere! Depending on the activity your company chooses, support for Broadscope can be completed at home, work, or in a public area.

When does this take place?

We created this as a way for corporate partners to be connected to our mission at any point in the year. Contact us and we can help bring your idea to reality!

06 Mar
Taste of Milwaukee
929 N Water St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202