Finding a job isn’t always easy. At Broadscope Disability Services, we encounter many people with a strong desire to work but who face barriers because their abilities do not align with the qualifications that companies are looking for in their employees. Support from individuals like you, allows us to build relationships and assist our consumers in finding the job that is the right fit for them and their employer.
Austin’s Journey to Find Employment
When Diane contacted our Employment Services program, she was looking for assistance for her 19-year-old son Austin, who has Autism. Austin needed help figuring out what he wanted to do. He needed help learning how to interact with new people. Austin needed help because he faced societal barriers that made it difficult for him to just walk in, apply for a job, and interview without assistance.
Our Employment Services Department met with Austin and began working on an individualized plan. After learning about his interests and abilities, staff arranged job shadowing experiences. Austin was able to experience multiple roles and discovered that he really enjoyed tasks that were hands-on. Using that information, staff organized a Temporary Work Experience at the Bay View Printing Company, which allowed Austin to try out the position for five weeks before he or the employer committed to a permanent hire. With support from his Broadscope job coach, he prepared mailings and prepped items for packing. Diane, Austin’s mother, stated, “Broadscope staff was with Austin from day one to help him adjust.” Austin was able to learn at his own pace, and it was clear that his confidence was growing with each shift.
When this work experience was complete, Austin was hired as a permanent team member at Bay View Printing Company. Not only was he hired on as a permanent employee, but he is also earning a living wage. “When we decided to hire Austin,” said Scott Town, Account Manager, “we wanted to be clear he is a member of our team same as everyone else.”
We applaud Bay View Printing Company for its commitment to inclusion and equity.
YOU can help build inclusive workplaces – one job at a time
We hope you will consider making a donation to help individuals like Austin join the workforce and receive training, coaching, and advocacy. Your gift today will allow people access not just to employment services, but also Independent Living services and Respite Care coordination.
Imagine what we can accomplish together. Your contribution helps individuals like Austin have the support and tools they need to reach their potential.