Some people grow up knowing what they want to do. Some people discover their passion through taking classes. Some people need to work in different fields until they realize what they love doing.
Darnell is no different. As a long-standing Employment Services client at Broadscope, he navigated through numerous temporary and seasonal jobs over the years. Although he enjoyed temporary positions like working at Summerfest and Wisconsin State Fair during the summers, the reality of supporting a family of four made the impermanence of such roles challenging.
Through those temporary jobs Darnell gained important skills that can be utilized in many different settings. He also learned about himself and what type of permanent job he would like. Darnell enjoys working in security, but he doesn’t like working third-shift. He enjoys working places that have a strong comradery among employees. These temporary jobs eventually led him to his current job at Pick ‘n Save.
In October, Darnell celebrated his one-year anniversary at Pick ‘n Save – an amazing accomplishment, as this is the longest job that Darnell has had since becoming a client with Broadscope. Darnell discovered his passion while at Pick ‘n Save. He loves working in the kitchen.
Having a supportive community helped Darnell achieve his one-year milestone. The Store Director, Brad, called Darnell “reliable and a hard worker.” Brad said, “we had to be patient in finding areas where Darnell works best and stays focused, which really paid off.” One of Darnell’s favorite parts about working at Pick ‘n Save is having great coworkers. Once he started in the kitchen, his coworkers were patient in training him new skills. Darnell and his coworkers also have a great relationship where they enjoy joking around and chatting throughout the day.
At Broadscope, success isn’t solely defined by the duration of a client’s job tenure or immediate attainment of a permanent position. It’s important to everyone at Broadscope to stand by our clients, even during tough times, and never give up on them. Darnell has been successful every time he tried out a new job, took on new responsibilities, and learned new skills. Throughout Darnell’s journey to find a permanent job, he showed dedication, positivity, and a willingness to try new jobs- all of which have contributed to Darnell’s success.